37 definitions by Griff

a mix of the words overachieving and chiefin.

Used when someone who is high as shit just wont stop smoking. Usually these ppl are lunchboxes and get very annoying.
-Damn nigga u already faced 3g's of some dank why dont u just relax now...?
-Naw nigga ima do ma thing im still not that high yet (but in reality he is punished)
-O shit well u just overachiefin wasting green
by Griff September 1, 2006
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used by jadakiss meanin to shoot a nigga out
Waitin on the day they say jesus is gonna come
So god bless yall niggas cuz im sneezing with my gun
by Griff July 2, 2004
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nigga if i make it big ima be bringin home that 7 digit cake u feel me?

yo i picked up that 7 digit cake after 3 minutes on that hoe
by Griff July 2, 2004
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to be raped by a crowd of horny asians.
Holy shit! I just got chang banged!
by Griff May 8, 2005
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1. A nickname bestowed upon my little brother simply for the sake of one. About 5 years ago when I came up with it, Johnny Bravo was brand new pn Cartoon Network and to promote it, they had Johnny Bravo look alikes, one of whom was named Steve Mank. For some reason, I associated the word with an ersatz monkey and I was cycling through some nicknames and he responded to this one. He is now Mank.
- Mank, /time.
- Mank, quit Alt + F4 for me, the 'rents are home.
- You stupid Mank! I was watching that.
by Griff August 9, 2004
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this nigga buckled at the foul line wit 2 seconds left and airballed it
by Griff July 2, 2004
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also the term used to describe weak beers, such as stella artois and grolsch. Anything below 7.5% is considered pussyshit.
by Griff July 6, 2003
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