29 definitions by Gjord

An epic declaration of gratitude and lifelong friendship by Albanian music legend Armend Miftari-Mendi, and a keystone moment in the history of balkanposting. Strive to be the person Kosovo thinks America is.
"Thank you USA
You are my best friend
You are the peace keeper
You are the lejend!!"
by Gjord August 15, 2022
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Some bozo with a Bugatti who got banned on all major social media platforms for being a prick.
1: "Have you seen what the Top G said today?"
2: "I don't care I'm not on Truth Social"
by Gjord August 22, 2022
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Someone, usually in media or political spheres, who are known for their unusually high duplicity, incompetence, ignorance, bigotry and/or megalomania. Usually preceeded by the initial of said person.
"This CNN anchor acts like he's PepeLa D"
by Gjord August 11, 2022
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The biggest PepeLa of all PepeLas. So toxic he has to constantly ban evade from most platforms, except targetted harassement sites because he loves doxxing random people. Likes to debate on stupid shit and pretends to be a liberal. Do not engage.
"I can't believe this dumbass wants to debate PepeLa D"
by Gjord August 11, 2022
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A gamer rights advocate who got very famous for saying it's the libtards' fault if the gamers don't have girlfriends.
"After reading Jordan Peterson once, Bryan finally cleaned his room, climbed gold on League of Legends, and started to claim that western civilisation peaked with the Spartans."
by Gjord August 15, 2022
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The second biggest PepeLa of all PepeLas. A proud anarcho-nato-bidenist debatelord. Inventor of the tactical n-word. Advocate of ironic misogyny.
"I can't believe this dumbass wanted to have PepeLa V at the women's march."
by Gjord September 13, 2022
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A gigachad playboy who triggers low-life conservative pundits. Loves coke and treats his favorite sex workers like queens.
"We must find Hunter's laptop!"
"Damn, yall must be thirsty for the Hunter nudes"
by Gjord August 15, 2022
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