101 definitions by Gary

The stage inbetween Tipsy and Bladdered.
Im not pissed, im just merry!
by Gary December 24, 2004
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While screwing a girl in the ass, you pull out and blow the load on the floor. Proceed to rub the girls face in it, while saying "bad dog".
She was being a bitch so I gave her a bad dog.
by Gary December 2, 2003
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To be touching cloth, to have one ready in the bomb bay.
Gawd, i must have a shit, i'm beginning to grow a tail
by Gary December 26, 2003
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Widespread, ineffective insult globally used by townies, kevs and their offspring. Used as a counter insult by citizens with the I.Q of a bucket of sewage water (and the B.O of one)
Your mum originated, presumably, in the UK, which just adds another thing to the list that we'll be embarrased we thought of when we look back at this 10 years from now
Your mum is effectively dead towards punks, grungers, and emos, and ironically has been added to their arsenal of townie impressions.
However, mentioning 'your mum' to a townie or similar missing link of the gene code may result in serious bodily harm, so if you do have to insult them, use words with more than 6 letters to leave them stunned and confused.
A: Fuck you
B: Fuck your mum

A: You're gay
B: Your mum's gay
by Gary February 18, 2004
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saviour. hero.
superior to simpletons.
higher rank in the ladder, but treats
all equal. rare and fragile.
hey how ya doing beastow ?
by Gary February 24, 2004
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A red parasite that clings to the host's head, draining the host of logic, common sense, and style.
"Al acts like a fool, he has clearly been taken by the Red Menace."
by Gary December 9, 2003
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a term to be used for someone who lacks common sense or is a bit dim-witted. Someone who does all the menial jobs.
I can't be bothered to do this shit, let the monkey do it.
by Gary May 1, 2003
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