101 definitions by Gary

It stands for Super High Output. Ford makes the Taurus SHO
I am outside working on my SHO. Then I am going to go for a ride in my SHO.
by Gary December 2, 2003
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This is a variation of joo and joor mama. This variation should only be used if:
A. You are insulting one who is Spanish and you wish the insult to carry over to his mother or "Madre"
B. If the one you are insulting is bilingual (Spanish and English) and you wish to impress him/her by insulting him/her in their native tongue.
C. If the one you are insulting knows no Spanish and you wish only to not only insult him/her and their mother but also to show off your uber Spanish skillz.

Please use this only in these circumstances.
by Gary January 26, 2005
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The act of shitting from a ceiling fan or step ladder (preferably 12ft.) onto ones face and/or chest. (Altitudes may vary.)
Jon watched as the steam rose off mary's chest after releasing a juicy sky dump from his brand new 12ft. step ladder.
by Gary March 8, 2005
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Someone who listens to bands like blink182 and greenday. wears baggy jeans and baggy tops, usualy a huddy with the name of one of the above bands on. skateboards.
cant think of one so meh!
by Gary September 28, 2004
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One of the alltime great pitchers. Could even throw a bowling ball at 90.....wait it was zimmers head.
Wish the orioles had Pedro.....but he'd never pitch for an amateur team.
by Gary April 21, 2004
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where the guidos come to play.
Lindsey Rigo, you goin to razzous tonight?
by Gary February 16, 2005
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you fixed that like a taub
by Gary October 30, 2003
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