174 definitions by G

(1) proper name of a steam powered dildo from the novel "Naked Lunch" by William S. Burroughs.

(2) jazzy rock band from the 70's, most of whom's subtle lyrics are about heavy heavy drug use, ludacrus sex and suicide. curiously, a favorite of house wives everywhere for their soft tones and smooth vocals.
by G July 21, 2003
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The worst noise none to mankind

A noise sent from hell
My ass can make better sounds than Rap Music

Hey, it beats listenin to rap music
by G January 29, 2003
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cheap, easy, loud and dumb
dat boy thort i'd be sum essex chick, do what he sed n suck his dick
by G September 17, 2003
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this person could be or all:
1. gorgeous
2. pretty
3. beautiful
4. cute
5. attractive
and can make u :
1. flip
2. crazy
3. nutty
4. pass out
5. drool

background from Crawley london, from a nice girl's nick name.
you are so smooty

that girl is looking smooty
by G January 24, 2005
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due to the large amounts of crack she ingests, we refer to my sister as COCAINA TINA
by G December 15, 2003
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Similar to eventually.
When something happened sometime in the past, but you don't know when.
I know preventually she did it.
by G November 21, 2003
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From the movie Pootie Tang meaning things are very good at the time relates to phrases like It's all good It's like when the fonz says hayyyy
Man did you hear the new track from Dr.Dre
Oh yeah Sha da tay

how ya doin
Sha da tay
by G February 15, 2004
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