174 definitions by G

Is he gonna get her into bed already?
He's been chirpsing her all night!
by G September 3, 2003
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excellent, perfect. like cool, only minker. probably derived from "mint".
so mink it hurts. you dont know your mink from your lame. that was mink. how mink was that?
by G February 10, 2004
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Latin, sexy, young guy with cool sexy voice...
Hey, Oscar !!!
by G June 5, 2004
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Someone who has grown an extremely large "head".Scottish word.
For fuck sake Cowans heeds grown bigger over the summer
by G August 18, 2003
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Means u av seen summin u like, eg clothing or a pair of kicks.
Similar comments:
'Thas the shit'
'Them Kicks are heavy what'
by G July 10, 2004
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slang for marijuana. used to draw parallel between the buddah's state of nirvana and that cool, laid back feeling you get when you smoke a fat bowl.
"yo, wanna smoke some buddah son?"
by G July 21, 2003
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A combination of nasty and raunch to explain the nasty odor expelled by AH.
Wow you smell her nautch today? I'm guessing she hasn't showered for weeks.
by G March 11, 2003
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