330 definitions by Fearman

Popular expression in Dublin, Ireland for the piece of commemorative art set up to mark the passing of the second millennium CE: a steel spike approximately 400 feet high, rising out of a traffic island in the centre of the dual thoroughfare of O'Connell Street on the north bank of the Liffey. It is circular in cross section, ten feet across at the base and decorated near street level with wavy frosted/reflective shapes, tapering to about ten inches at the tip, lit with a ring of red lights halfway up and a stream of white ones at the top. It takes the place of a removed statue of the figure of Anna Livia (female symbol of the River Liffey) in a fountain, previously known as the "floozie in the jacuzzi." The Spike is also known as the Spike on the Dike and/or the Stiffey on the Liffey. It is popularly supposed to be a monument to the street's night-time heroin addicts, although an alternative explanation would be that it is a symbolic memo spike for Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Bertie Aherne's hotel bills. In case anyone tries flying a jetliner into it a la 9/11, it is purely a metal spike, not an inhabited building; there isn't even a public elevator and observation deck like there is on the Eiffel Tower, or anything. Still, in a certain summer evening light it can have a certain surreal charm.
The stiletto in the ghetto isn't bad, but I think the crane they used to haul it up looked waaay better.
by Fearman November 14, 2007
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Morbid fear of milk cartons used as jugs and left on a table.
Your mother-in-law has got mensalactophorophobia. You'd better get a proper earthenware jug for that cow juice right NOW.
by Fearman October 15, 2007
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Full name Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore. Born around 1840-46, died 1997. Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in the novels by Jo Rowling. Named for the Latin for white, and an Anglo-Saxon term meaning "bumblebee", as Rowling imagined the old man humming about the school. Headed the Order of the Phoenix in both its incarnations. Campaigned for the truth about the evil Voldemort to be known, but was unimpressed by his power and pretensions; addressed Voldemort simply as "Tom" (Marvolo Riddle) whenever they met. Killed for reasons Harry Potter does not at first comprehend, but as for the question of whether we see him again, hey, this is Hogwarts, remember? Recently outed by author Rowling as gay (!!! go Jo !!!); his greatest mistake was to fall in love with Gellert Grindelwald. Wise old man who has come by his wisdom in that hallowed academy, the School of Hard Knocks. Warm, friendly, fierce when necessary, had style, truly unforgettable. Played in the movies by the late great Richard Harris (years 1&2), and subsequently by Michael Gambon. At once among the finest wizards and finest gay characters to grace the pages of fiction.
Albus Dumbledore. The only wizard Voldemort ever feared.

"Exactly", said Dumbledore, beaming once more. "Which makes you very different from Tom Riddle. It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, page 245, Bloomsbury ed.

"You mean he was weak!", screamed Voldemort. "Too weak to dare, too weak to take what might have been his, what will be mine!"
"No, he was cleverer than you", said Harry, "a better wizard, a better man."
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, p. 592
by Fearman November 5, 2007
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The gentleman who appeared in the original Planet of the Apes movie, and recently handed in his firearms.
Ain't nobody shot the ducky like Charlton Heston.
by Fearman April 10, 2008
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1) When Elian Gonzalez's family ran out of things to throw at the cops.

2) When the USA under JFK narrowly avoided an eldritch rendezvous with destiny.
Oh, no!!! Not another Cuban Missile Crisis!!!
by Fearman August 30, 2007
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To be the epitome of something, typically something unpleasant. To stand as the best (or more likely worst) example of a series of things.
Of all the slimy schemes Jim's pulled over the years, his attempt to pay a psychologist to testify in court that Marie, whom Jim had actually repeatedly raped the previous year, was merely paranoid, just has to take the biscuit.
by Fearman February 22, 2008
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The belief that children who are abused (emotionally, physically or sexually) inevitably go on to abuse any children they have themselves. Thought up by an abusive and deeply narcissistic parent who wanted to dismiss any misgivings on their own or their offspring's part as the idealism of green and inexperienced minds, and who held to the belief that if everyone does something it must be OK. Truly adult minds are not impressed by such phony reasoning. If the family rod hypothesis were true, the human race would rapidly be descending into violent dysfunction, with new traditions of bully-boys being established as the old ones persisted. A rather dangerous idea in the age of the multi-megatonne thermonuclear warhead, don't you think?
Like all redneck bully-boy cowards, John taught his kids the family rod hypothesis.
by Fearman May 28, 2008
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