330 definitions by Fearman

1. Incisor-bearing organism in reeeeally serious denial. Won't even eat eggs or dairy produce because of the necessary infringement on the hard-won human rights of hens and cattle.

2. Someone who has just come 160,000,000,000,000 miles and is kinda hungry ... so watch out.
Here come the Vegans with their laser blasters and photon torpedoes.
by Fearman August 3, 2007
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People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (if you ask them), or maybe Pusillanimous Egregious Terrorist Assholes. In cahoots with (or is an alternative front for) the Animal Liberation Front, or ALF. (Assholes Live Forever?)

An extremist organisation on at least the same plane as the various stripes of frankenfearmongers. They are against the use of animals in medical experimentation ... until they get seriously sick themselves, when the use of medicines tested on animals is suddenly AOK. (To take just one example, the organisation's vice-president Mary Beth Sweetland is diabetic and has no problem taking insulin, thereby knowingly using a technology already tested on dogs and rodents. Check it out.) In the name of the rights of animals being raised on fur farms for their pelts they will often set said creatures "free" ... without a moment's thought for either the safety of the "liberated" creatures after a lifetime being tended in a cage, or their impact on the local environment. They have no objection to firebombing anyone they don't believe loves animals as much as they do, or indeed booby-trapping the cars said people drive. They howl at dog pounds and other such for euthanasing animals, while their own organisation is much given to doing the same to the beasties it takes into "care". They terrorise anyone they like without bothering to so much as debate with them or wish them the time of day ... but just wait for one of these "animal-loving" parasites to end up under a cop's baton and listen to them howl about their civil rights. Obviously someone forgot to tell them when they were growing up that deeply unhip old maxim that rights come with responsibilities.

PETA supporters think it's cool that lions chase down wildebeest on the grasslands of Africa, although obviously that's gonna change when they all become citizens with full rights ... a farmer shooting rabbits that are coming for his lettuce, on the other hand, is the spawn of Satan. They enjoy comparing farms to Nazi death camps. I'm sure that goes down a treat with all those Jews, gays and other such folk out there. PETA consists of a rabble of mentally unstable adolescents along with an upper crust of ageing hippies and a few celebrities, at least some of whom should, one would think, be older and wiser. One of their members, model Joanna Krupa, has claimed she'd rather go naked than wear fur ... that makes two of us, darling. You first.

Best thing to do with them is to drop them into a pit full of hungry lions and see how many articles of their manifesto they manage to recite before they have an educational experience.
Might I suggest that PETA finds a better way of loving animals than hating humans?
by Fearman December 9, 2007
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Pixie-like rock starlet born in Iceland in 1969 or some such. Died in a car crash in 1990. All subsequent appearances, including those in concert before half the population of Iceland, have been computer-generated. IT'S TWOOO!!!
Bjork is appearing in concert tonight. Every last pixel of her. Gorgeous.
by Fearman November 2, 2007
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Name that sounds or looks so weird that you suspect it must be something else spelled backwards. Only it isn't.
I thought Seredip Posankul sounded weird so I turned it round to see what it said and ended up with luknasoP pidereS. It's obviously just a pseudoccultonym.
by Fearman April 9, 2008
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Chap who lived back in the nineteenth century. Grew a big beard, in which he invested quite a lot. Had a good head for mathematics and wrote a lot about property and political evolution. A bit boring, not always on the money, and misunderstood by airheads and meatheads, as dead white males usually are. He overestimated both human generosity and the idea of membership of the working class as a badge of pride. Someone recently posted that he taught that the lazy should be allowed leech off the hard-working. This actually is a pretty good picture of present-day America, where the lazy keep getting away with it because the hard-working keep voting for them.
Karl Marx. A bit esoteric, but a middling good read if you like to stretch yourself.
by Fearman October 30, 2007
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The urge to revisit a refrigerator every twenty seconds in the hope that something more appetising will somehow have materialised there in the meantime.
I'm getting frigophilia. I'm hungry, but not that hungry. Basically I'm bored.
by Fearman March 4, 2008
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1. A particularly enjoyable or important occasion.

2. The day a woman menstruates.

3. In the Harry Potter series, the day one of the students receives a howler, typically in the Main Hall in front of everyone else.
The launch of one's first novel is a red letter day in any novelist's life.

She had her first red letter day last week. She spent all day sulking in her bedroom.

Another red letter day for poor old Ronald.
by Fearman October 25, 2007
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