27 definitions by Erock

When you get major sweat built up in the crack of your ass on a hot day and it gets slippery.
Dude, I need some major ventilation to get rid of this butter butt.

I got through 15 holes of swealtering heat before the butter butt needed a wipedown.
by Erock April 19, 2004
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The most honest and truthful person you will meet. This person will always be your ride or die. Not afraid of anything. A true meaning of a warrior! This person is humble loyal but don't piss them off. Overall great person that gives great advice.
by Erock July 7, 2015
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When your poo has the consistency of pee.
After drinking a case of Old Milwaukee, Jeff had a serious case of butt pee.
by Erock April 7, 2004
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extremely humassive breastesses on a female that when you see them you start to drool and want to go up and start whacking them around like a punching bag
Erock: "HOLY SHIT NANI...check out that girls tattyfats..."
Nani: "wow..."
by Erock March 23, 2004
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"Wow....Noah is being a humassive punani today"
by Erock March 23, 2004
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synonym for screw, fuck, doing the deed, bumping uglies, dropping in, tapping that shit, etc.
Matlock was a repeat, so we scronked instead.
by Erock May 16, 2004
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To make something work that shouldn't work with the knowledge an average human processes. Super human brain powers are required for such tasks.
Jimmy rig-ninered the TV to pull in Mexican Wrestling with rabbit feet he bought at the circus from a bearded woman.
by Erock June 28, 2004
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