242 definitions by Emily

used to describe a failed attempt; when something just went fucking wrong; when everything backfires and blows up in your fucking face
"It all fucksploaded." "We were doing fine till SHE came along and made everything fuckspload." "My grades are all fucksploaded!"
by Emily April 22, 2005
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An asshole or someone who is a jerk
Dude ur a fucking kanter!
by Emily February 11, 2005
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(n.) an interjection that can be used in almost any connotation
oh my gosh! shlee! i am so excited!
by Emily November 13, 2004
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yea + yup = yeap
yeap i will do that for you!
by Emily October 2, 2003
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Nobody had fun on Halloween because it was unmakefunofemilyish
by Emily October 29, 2003
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a sunstitution for holy shit, o fuck, or whoa..sounds much cooler n u can say it in front of small children without getting mean looks from the paretns
"o my giddygospajamas!"
by Emily July 10, 2004
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this is so blump
by Emily February 18, 2004
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