60 definitions by Edna Sweetlove

a Lithuanian person; also can be used adjectivally
by Edna Sweetlove November 5, 2006
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1. An Indian or Pakistani person;
2. A fan of curries, a curry lover.
1. Ahmed is a curry bunny.
2. Joe is a curry bunny.
by Edna Sweetlove July 30, 2010
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A used jamrag, an oozy sanipad.
Dracula's packed lunch was very tasty and he was feeling peckish that day.
by Edna Sweetlove October 1, 2006
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A breeze; after Alan Breeze, a singer with the Billy Cotton Band.
There's a nice Alan today.
by Edna Sweetlove July 30, 2010
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The hanging flap under the arm seen on older women
The old lady had bat wings you could have tied a knot in.
by Edna Sweetlove July 30, 2010
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The anus, the botty-hole, the rectum.
Watch out or I'll lick you in the filthbox (Sir Les Patterson, Sydney 1997)
by Edna Sweetlove September 25, 2006
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A young boy, attractive to pederasts
Joe was very fond of young chickens.
by Edna Sweetlove October 3, 2006
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