64 definitions by EJL
-They sealed him up with the mint inside!
-Well, I guess it can't hurt him...people eat pounds of those things.
-Yes, they eat them. They don't put them next to VITAL ORGANS IN THEIR ABDOMINAL CAVITY!!
-Well, I guess it can't hurt him...people eat pounds of those things.
-Yes, they eat them. They don't put them next to VITAL ORGANS IN THEIR ABDOMINAL CAVITY!!
by EJL December 14, 2003
One of the most reknowned manufacturer of luxury automobiles, based in Germany. Founded by Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz, registered the first automobile patent. Mercedes-Benz is now a part of the DaimlerChrysler auto group.
Model range includes the A-Class (compact), C-Class (smaller sedan), E-Class (mid-size sedan), S-Class (luxury sedan), CLK-Class (mid-size coupe), SLK-Class (smaller roadster), CL-Class (luxury coupe), SL-Class (roadster), M-Class (SUV), and the G-Class (premium/limited production SUV).
by EJL November 12, 2004
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Member of the Fellowship of the Ring who, with Aragorn, represented the race of men in the attempted destruction of The One Ring of Sauron.
by EJL January 23, 2004
Iesu Nazareth, Rex Iudeorum
Latin for "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews". These words were hung above Jesus during the crucifixion.
Latin for "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews". These words were hung above Jesus during the crucifixion.
by EJL March 14, 2004
A person accepting punishment/harm with dignity, without crying out, as Jesus was during his crucifixion.
He was led as a lamb to the slaughter. And as a sheep is silent before the shearers, he did not open his mouth.
by EJL March 31, 2004
Gelandewagen. Quasi-SUV built by Mercedes-Benz. Originally made for European military forces, demand was so popular that they were offered to the European public, much like the Hummer H1 was in America. Until recently, was only available in comtinental Europe. Currently built in limited quantities. The exterior styling of the vehicle has basically remained unchanged since 1976, but apparently, it performs quite well off-road. Now one of the most popular vehicles with Hip-Hop stars, mainly because of their roominess and relatively expensive price tags.
by EJL April 28, 2004