57 definitions by E hates Q

The year where God was punishing humanity for creating the Cats movie. If you thought 2017 and 2019 were bad, 2020 is turning out absolutely rotten. One word: Coronavirus.
Me on December 31st: Wow, 2020 is going to be a much better year!
Me looking back on what I said while in my bed on March 24th in quarantine: Never before have I said something that aged so poorly.
by E hates Q March 24, 2020
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Somebody so unbelievably dumb you swear that they must have dropped out of preschool.
5th Grader In 2010: "Justin Bieber's audience are all preschool dropouts! LOL!"
by E hates Q September 22, 2018
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Being stubborn and doing fuck-all whilst shit hits the fan in the apparent hope that things will blow over. This doesn’t stop the shit hitting the fan in any way, which makes it more or less the lazy version of the similar term “digging yourself deeper”.
Boris “Blowjob” Johnson refusing to resign is just him standing in quicksand.
by E hates Q July 7, 2022
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The kid who plays annoying meme music (highlights include Dame Da Ne and the USSR Anthem) in the back of the bus. Also a frequent generator of reddit moments.

He still hasn't found out why nobody finds his Jeremying to be funny.
One day, Jeremy McUnfunny walked onto the bus, and plonked his pathetic rear end onto the seat furthest from the underpaid eyes of the bus driver. He immediately turned on his overpriced phone, opened YouTube, and played "SOVIET ANTHEM EAR RAPE" much to the entire bus's chagrin. When he was supposed to hand in his History presentation, he instead "stick-bugged" the entire class for worthless reddit karma. Nobody found that funny either.
by E hates Q September 4, 2020
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A trendymom is a mom born from 1980-1990 that attempts to be relevant by joining every single fad. Unfortunately, trendymoms do not have the capacity to know when a fad is dead.
Man 1: How dafuq did the wii win the console wars?
Man 2: because trendymoms.
by E hates Q March 30, 2018
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Different types of suburbia:

Northeast Suburb: A standard suburb, filled with endless single family houses, affluent moderate liberals and their children. You can find a lot of these in New Jersey and Long Island.

Midwest Suburb: Where the Republican Party and Walmart are cornerstones of the community. You WILL get funny looks if you drive through here as a black person.

Gated Community: Paranoid and rich nutcases, mostly. Also most of the town is just golf courses.

Sun Belt Suburb: Filled with retirees who contribute absolutely nothing to the downtown economy besides their taxes.

Streetcar Suburb: Suburbs that have townhomes and the occasional apartment building. They tend to be affluent and liberal, like the Northeast Suburb but more diverse. You can actually walk to the store or catch the bus here.

Exurbs: Generally isolated culs-de-sac off a rural road/highway. God help the kids that grow up here. The home turf of McMansions.
Bob: Growing up in suburbia as an only child was hell…
David: I grew up in the suburbs and it was fine…
Bob: I didn’t mean “the northernmost parts of the Bronx” I meant Pond Heights in the middle of buttfuck Egypt.
by E hates Q May 16, 2022
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Displaying utter disinterest in what somebody is texting you.
Mom: Hey, Gran got a new computer today! 😃
Child of Mom: 🅾
Mom: 😡
by E hates Q October 14, 2018
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