S - Your born on 24th March that’s a great day! For legends.
G - Yeah let’s go 14.
March 24th is a day in the year where great people are born! Heroes and brave people are born this day
G - Yeah let’s go 14.
March 24th is a day in the year where great people are born! Heroes and brave people are born this day
by G’s Bezzo October 30, 2019
by _Demonformiyah March 17, 2022
People born on this day get the most head on the planet, it's been scientifically proven that in a culture of 365 guys, all girls gravitated towards the man born on March 24th.
Girl #1: Oh my God, look at that guy, must be born on March 24th.
Girl #2: I know.. I just kind of feel my self gravitating towards his cock with my mouth..
Girl #2: I know.. I just kind of feel my self gravitating towards his cock with my mouth..
by 1 hair October 16, 2019
everyone born on march 24th is amazing,hot,a good friend and a great person! they are creative,interesting and very chill people.
by EmotionalSupportDemon November 21, 2021
National Thick day. The day to celebrate your thickness.
And if you were born on this day, you're either slim thick, or will be slim thick.
And if you were born on this day, you're either slim thick, or will be slim thick.
National Send a Booty or Titty Pick Day
Send your friend or partner a hot pic, it's a no balls situation.
Send your friend or partner a hot pic, it's a no balls situation.
"Hey Judy! Ya know what day it is?"
"No Josh what day is it?
"March 24th!"
"Ah shi, lemme send you the pic."
"No Josh what day is it?
"March 24th!"
"Ah shi, lemme send you the pic."
by LittleLionMan05 March 25, 2022
It been proven that people born on March 24th are selfish and think highly of themsleves, though everyonr around them back chats about them and they are not that beautiful
"she thinks she so amazing, but look at her nose, she must have been born on March 24th"
"No guy would like her she was botn on March 24th
"No guy would like her she was botn on March 24th
by Allllwaysrighty December 9, 2019