39 definitions by Duncan

completely relaxed, spaced out.
I am so kerned out right now, I don't even wanna move.
by Duncan October 11, 2003
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"Head Faggot In Charge" - used as a title.

a takeoff of HNIC.
Oh, you want to talk to the H.F.I.C.- he's the one that makes all the decisions.
by Duncan October 1, 2004
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Sexual Intercourse.

Rarely used without Bang Bang k'Tang Tang preceding it.
"He got himself a little Bang Bang k'Tang Tang. A little Rrrrubop a hoo bang".
by Duncan November 11, 2003
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Or Colored (US)

Possibly the most offensive racial slur of them all. Use implys that being black (or non-white) is a sensitive issue that needs to be skirted around.
I think he might be... you know... coloured
by Duncan July 13, 2004
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A slang word for pot (cannabis)
You gettin any beef the night man
by Duncan December 5, 2003
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To jokeboat is to add superfluous and obvious information to a joke (especially someone else's), usually in a misguided attempt to explain the joke (often because the jokeboater didn't get it initially (<i>i.e.</i> "Missed the Boat on the Joke)).
"Those bees are evil- you'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany".

"Oh, dude, that's funny, since bees LIVE IN A HIVE!!!"

"Right; that was the point. Quit jokeboating".
by Duncan October 6, 2004
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v. to send a person in training for a job on the actual job due to an emergency situation. Named after the movie "Space Camp".
Dude, I've only been studying anatomy for a week, and they made me do heart surgery! They totally spacecamped me!
by Duncan September 29, 2005
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