20 definitions by Dr. Claw

A slow driver in front of you who manages to crawl through a yellow light right when it's about to turn red (and even worse, at a railroad crossing), leaving you and the enraged drivers behind you in a huge traffic jam.
I would've made it back home sooner if it wasn't for that slow bastard who kept light-trapping me at nearly every other block.
by Dr. Claw July 30, 2009
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Cheap, ordinary marijuana; usually contains shake, stems and seeds. So crappy its almost like it's tobacco painted green.
The bag of hot ox we got last night from Fred didn't get me lifted that much; only slightly toasted.
by Dr. Claw February 15, 2007
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When a director of high acclaim returns to filmmaking after a long period of absence or streak of success; and releases a disappointment. A lot of it is due to ego, or plain just getting rusty from not directing for a long time. Most notably; George Lucasreturned to the director's chair 21 years after the original Star Wars, to direct The Phantom Menace. "Phantom" was so overloaded with unnecessary CGI, and weak acting, and last but not least Jar Jar Binks. The Wachowski Brothers are another example. With such high expectations after the astounding The Matrix, they started showing breaks in their armor with The Matrix Reloaded, while mostly watchable, which then led to the letdown of all letdowns, The Matrix Revolutions.
"It's been 10 years since James Cameron had a real movie in theaters, I'm crossing my fingers he doesn't get Lucasitis when directing Avatar."
by Dr. Claw June 20, 2008
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Bumping into someone you want to avoid that ends up with them leading you into a lengthy conversation that you can't escape. It's a very subtle guilt trip. You awkwardly feel obligated to keep on listening to them, knowing well if you attempt to cut it short, you'll come off as some sort of inconsiderate asshole.
"I was just about to get on the elevator when I bumped into Gabby. I knew I've just stepped into a conversation trap. For 30 agonizing minutes she was bragging to me with her annoying voice about all her nieces' and nephews' accomplishments in grade school. GOD! I wish I had some Q-Tips so I can fucking punch them into my eardrums. At least I'd have an an excuse not to listen to her."
by Dr. Claw May 2, 2010
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The sickening gurgling in your gut telling you that diarrhea is imminent and unavoidable. Happens at the worst place at the worst time.
Just when the bus breaks down in the tunnel, is when I get the worst case of the bubbly. My face is turning different shades of red trying to hold it in.
by Dr. Claw January 25, 2009
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A sudden flash of genius, when one is trying to solve a complicated problem or frustrating issue. Inspired by the show House M.D. Typically near the end of the episode; Dr. House, in deep thought or from seeing a clue around him, finally finds the right diagnosis.
After accidentally spilling a bottle of black ink on my carpet, I tried to get it off with an old sponge before it dried. While panicking to clean it, I had a House moment. I ran to my bathroom, grabbed a bottle of shampoo, poured it on the spill, and scrubbed it spotless.
by Dr. Claw December 31, 2009
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The Playstation 3's equivalent of the Xbox 360's Red Ring of Death. It occurs when the PS3 experiences hardware failure and crashes. When the PS3 is powered on, the usual green power light on the console turns yellow, then blinks red repeatedly.
"When I turned on my PS3 to play some Metal Gear Solid 4, it crashed and gave me the Yellow Line of Doom error message. I'm now the proud owner of a $600 brick"
by Dr. Claw February 24, 2009
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