80 definitions by Don

ride and destroy.
A rad skate session. we skated, we destroyed
by Don October 7, 2008
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Fetch, Fetching, Fetcher, Mother Fetcher are substitute by religious people for Fuck, Fucking, and Fucker.
"Oh, my fetching heck"
"Thats fetching cool!"
"He's such a fetcher"
"Mother Fetcher!"
by Don August 7, 2004
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A functional, easy-to-use operating system that can be perfectly stable if you want it to be. The OS is only as good as its operator, guys.
I have been running Windows 2000 Professional for two-and-a-half years, and have yet to see it crash spontaneously. The only time it has ever crashed was when I caused software conflicts myself.
by Don March 9, 2005
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