5 definitions by Doctord

The itchy re-growth of pubic hair on a man's scrotum a few days after he has manscaped. Derivation: scrotum + stubble = scrubble.
Man, my scrubble is itching like hell!
by Doctord February 7, 2013
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It is a term categorizing the thirsty, the narcissistic, and the try-hards.
"What a fucking shamp, he's trying to wheel Cathy Jaworfski
by Doctord February 8, 2015
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Tainted infotaintment - i.e. infotainment based on false news, lies, rumour and conspiracy theories. Most things said by Donald Trump.
Donald Trump claims the election was "stolen" - infotaintment at its finest.
by Doctord January 5, 2021
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software, specifically malware, that users are fooled into downloading and which is designed to defraud or otherwise cause harm to the user.
Those Nigerian scammers fooled him into downloading a sapplication - they got all his personal details as a result.
by Doctord April 18, 2012
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