1129 definitions by Dave

That was crap up the M.J on the N.R
by Dave May 9, 2003
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"You got perty hair..."
by Dave January 16, 2004
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1. A magic wand used to conjure buses. You can stand there for an hour waiting for your bus to come, but as soon as you light up a fag, it will come round the corner, forcing you to put it out.

2. Something that non-smokers frequently manage to die of cancer without ever using.

3. Something for self-righteous but somewhat timid morons to declaim and campaign against without having to feel like they're going out on a limb.

4. A drug that makes you violent and cuts your IQ in half, damages your liver, frequently causes death on the roads and in homes, destroys careers, lives and families, and costs our country millions every year in lost productivity from people who are too sick to come in to work after using too much of it the night before. Oh no wait, that's beer.
Let's see, what shall I spend my time campaigning against? Racism? No... how about religious fundamentalism? Maybe pollution or censorship... Ah, no, I've got it! Cigarettes!
by Dave June 20, 2004
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The technical name for the Stinger surface-to-air missile system, developed for the US Army, and has seen excellent use in the Gulf War.
"The reason those Arabs have so many Stingers is because we supplied them with our Stingers during the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan."
by Dave September 10, 2004
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"The brizzle+plasma pistol charge combo makes for some sick deaths in Halo 2 multiplayer."
by Dave April 4, 2005
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