The sexual fetish for poop. People with this fetish are most commonly sexually aroused by performing the act of or watching someone poop their pants, poop in their hand, poop on someone, eating poop, and other things. People with this fetish are also very commonly simply sexually attracted to the sight, scent and texture of poop. While it is a very taboo fetish and it seems small-scale, coprophilia is actually a surprisingly common fetish. And it’s a surprisingly popular sub-genre of porn. If anyone who reads this has this fetish or for some reason wants to see what the hell it’s all about, there are over 20 scat porn blogs on tumblr to peak your interest. Unlike most of the definitions on here, I actually wasted my time researching this fetish to benefit whoever might come across this.
Example A: “Kaitlyn took a massive shit on my chest last night, I came so hard, it was so hot and her shit smelled so rotten and intoxicating”
Example B: “I have a poop fetish, will you shit in my hand”?
Example C: “Alan gets turned on by watching his girlfriend poop her panties”.
Example D: “John has really been getting into coprophilia recently, it’s pretty strange”.
Example B: “I have a poop fetish, will you shit in my hand”?
Example C: “Alan gets turned on by watching his girlfriend poop her panties”.
Example D: “John has really been getting into coprophilia recently, it’s pretty strange”.
by StonerGod420 January 3, 2018
A. Gaining some sort of sexual satisfaction from feces.
B. What 90% of Urban Dictionary definitions are about.
B. What 90% of Urban Dictionary definitions are about.
A. Evan's ultimate fantasy is to have someone take a shit on him.
B. I've looked through 500 Urban Dictionary definitions today, and 450 of them were about coprophilia.
B. I've looked through 500 Urban Dictionary definitions today, and 450 of them were about coprophilia.
by Freud Eggs August 3, 2010
by Paul Kusinitz October 17, 2002
by Christopher Columbo March 2, 2005
chomping on the chocolate snake
by jester February 5, 2004