34 definitions by D. Y. Vetz

Someone who's fortitude is so weak they might as well be made of butter.
by D. Y. Vetz October 16, 2018
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To hold someone in high-esteem by way of viewing them as a role model. mentor, or superior.
When Norm asked his intern Sam how he saw him, Sam said "I totally look up to you."
by D. Y. Vetz March 26, 2021
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A Christian from Western Europe who travelled to the Holy Lands on a pilgrimage during the Crusades. Palmers often brought back a palm frond as a souvenir of their pilgrimage.
Palmers were highly regarded by the public due to their intense devotion to Christ.
by D. Y. Vetz April 20, 2021
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Len: You're a moron, Mel.
Mel: ...athpd.
by D. Y. Vetz May 12, 2021
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A "medical condition" caused when a male grips his dick too tightly while masturbating, causing to him not enjoy sex with women (or men) as much because he's so used to the iron grip of his hand.
I've been jerking off for years -- and as a result, I have gripdick.
by D. Y. Vetz December 14, 2020
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Uses to describe someone who is just as naive or inexperienced as a newborn baby or someone who's only been in this world for a day.
I can't believe Jerry says Ford is a good manufacturer, he must have been born yesterday.
by D. Y. Vetz November 28, 2019
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When you've put in the time and effort in the past, so that you don't have to work as hard in the present or future.
When the restaurant's most experienced waiter was asked if she wanted to work during Christmas day, she declined, saying "I've paid my dues."
by D. Y. Vetz December 7, 2020
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