14 definitions by Crowdsurfer


(vey-ney-gahs-lee) - ADJECTIVE

A manner of dress which questions the wearer's sexuality.
"Wow, now those are some venegasly shorts!
by Crowdsurfer February 7, 2010
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(tom-lin-suhn) - VERB

To drop an object in a manor likely to cause injury to a coworker.
"Dude, watch it! you just tomlinsoned me with that CO2 tank!
by Crowdsurfer February 7, 2010
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(ot-oh; Ger. awt-oh) - VERB

To hand tighten a nut so tight that it cannot be loosened by hand.
"Who the hell Otto'd these truss bolts? Someone get me a wrench!"
by Crowdsurfer February 7, 2010
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(pěl-sōr) - NOUN

An injury sustained by being tomlinsoned.
"Dude, where'd you get that Pelsor?"

"Some douche at work Tomlinsoned me with a set cart!"
by Crowdsurfer February 7, 2010
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(hŏl'ē-wŏŏd') - VERB

To load in with more than two non-working chain motors and no spares.
"Ok guys, take a break, I'm gonna have to run back to the shop, looks like we've hollywooded this one!"
by Crowdsurfer February 7, 2010
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(āv'ə-lānch') - NOUN

Any piece of staging that is still at the venue 6 months after the event.
"will somebody get this avalanche outta my way so I can set up the band gear?"
by Crowdsurfer February 7, 2010
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(jōōs-bŏks) - NOUN

The act of showing up for a call at the wrong venue and wrong time.
"Where's Paintchip?"

"Oh he'll be late, he pulled a Juicebox"
by Crowdsurfer February 7, 2010
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