9 definitions by Cpt.Flint

To make something possible, attainable, or more likely to occur.
I am saving money to possibilize buying a new car.
by Cpt.Flint August 26, 2005
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A popular Chinese soup consisting of broth and noodles.
I always order scranton soup when we go out for Chinese food.
by Cpt.Flint August 26, 2005
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Having a grainy texture.
This watermelon is mealy,and less enjoyable because of it.
by Cpt.Flint August 26, 2005
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A term for the appearance of someone who has just risen from bed, and is bearing the marks of their pillow.
I woke late for work, and left the house still sheet faced.
by Cpt.Flint August 26, 2005
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Denotes evilness. Usually uttered by the very clever while they develop an evil plot. Often accompanied by smirks and sideways glances.
"They don't suspect a thing...MWA HA HA!!!!"
by Cpt.Flint August 25, 2005
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Translation of the french verb, meaning 'to speak'.
I parlay french really well.
by Cpt.Flint August 26, 2005
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A university student who wastes class time by asking for answers to questions that only he/she doesn't understand; thus annoying the crap out of his/her classmates.
Dude, I can't believe that we're paying to listen to that askhole all friggin class.
by Cpt.Flint August 26, 2005
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