18 definitions by Concerned Citizen

stealing of cafeteria trays for one's own pleasure, mainly for sliding. see milkshake
hey you! stop traysliding and become a real man
by Concerned Citizen February 28, 2004
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George W. Bush alienating our closest allies in the War on Everyone That Doesn't Agree With The U.S.

George W. Bush signing the Patriot Act 2 into law quite stealthily while the U.S. celebrated the capture of Saddam to minimize opposition.
by Concerned Citizen December 28, 2004
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sociopath; lightheart ignited an alive human body.
most persons don't get so pissed off they burn a man alive.
by Concerned Citizen February 20, 2005
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The Dump and Chug is a strategy used at a bar or a party. When someone offers you a shot that you don't want to take, you discreetly dump the shot into your mixed drink or beer, and pretend to take the shot with everyone else.
Person at party, "Let's take this shot of Jameson!"
You to yourself, "Time to execute the Dump and Chug...."
by Concerned Citizen August 25, 2014
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A very lethargic being that lacks the motivation to move and live. These slow moving organisms remains lifeless most of their days in a coma like stage except during times of feeding and asexual acts. Such a beast often has poor hygiene and is quite un-kept. The lack-luster look of the animal in question gives it the appearance of shit. Failure of possessing personality and charm prevents it from breeding, hence the need for rampant foul sexual on itself. The ability to comprehend simple commands is nullified due to the brain conserving its resources for respiratory purposes.
After a night of drinking...
"Man, I feel like gruba this morning!"
by Concerned Citizen April 15, 2005
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The thing the "Coalition of the willing" have totally failed, and have now officially stopped looking for in Iraq. Neocon scare tactics will probably cover this one up as well.
"Hey Rumsfeld! We can't find any weapons!"

"Bah humbug. .... Let's go bomb Syria! They have WMD!"
by Concerned Citizen January 12, 2005
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(verb) dancing in a fashion similar to the creepy pete that grinds on high school girls in some raves, except with livestock instead of high school girls.
Dude...I totally busted Farmer James jabbapopping his pig last night.
by Concerned Citizen March 4, 2005
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