by James Ganja May 3, 2007
by Lorelili March 30, 2005
The belief of being lazy, procrastinating, or not doing if it is of no importance to you. Also known as the religion of laziness
Teacher:Did you finish your assignment today?
You:Nope its against my religion.
Teacher:What do you mean?
You:Im lethargic, you know the belief of being lazy, procrastinating, or not doing if it is of no importance to you.
Other student:Dude i wanna be lethergic!
You:Nope its against my religion.
Teacher:What do you mean?
You:Im lethargic, you know the belief of being lazy, procrastinating, or not doing if it is of no importance to you.
Other student:Dude i wanna be lethergic!
by General Kaar November 7, 2007
by Taylor swift lover December 14, 2011
Coach During Warm up: Bryan your lookin very lethargic
Bryan: huh sure? (to friend) dawbateef what is lethargic
Friend: IDFK
Bryan: huh sure? (to friend) dawbateef what is lethargic
Friend: IDFK
by Bryanft October 11, 2005