
To be lazy, sluggish
Msst fat people are lethargic
by Junkyardjimbo88 April 29, 2003
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To be lazy or sluggish. To act tired or drowsy.
Man this ganja is lethargic, Im not even going to roll another blunt now.
by James Ganja May 3, 2007
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To be lazy, sluggish. Often spending one's life in bed, sleeping one's life away.

What fun!
Je suis léthargique. J'aime le sommeil.
by Lorelili March 30, 2005
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The belief of being lazy, procrastinating, or not doing if it is of no importance to you. Also known as the religion of laziness
Teacher:Did you finish your assignment today?

You:Nope its against my religion.

Teacher:What do you mean?

You:Im lethargic, you know the belief of being lazy, procrastinating, or not doing if it is of no importance to you.

Other student:Dude i wanna be lethergic!

by General Kaar November 7, 2007
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lethargic is a word used when somebody is acting drunk and lazy. Drowsy or sluggish.
Sloths are lethargic; they move around four inches a day.
by Taylor swift lover December 14, 2011
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What one is when u give blood then try and play a soccer game
Coach During Warm up: Bryan your lookin very lethargic
Bryan: huh sure? (to friend) dawbateef what is lethargic
Friend: IDFK
by Bryanft October 11, 2005
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a fat slug, or a tommy lanni.
by Mike January 8, 2005
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