14 definitions by Chris's_Zen

The cycle (usually once or twice a day) of checking all social networking sites that you are registered to usually to reply, respond, and be up-to-date of things.
John went on a social networking sites cycle, checking his Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and MySpace only to find out that he had no new messages.
by Chris's_Zen May 5, 2013
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An address you'll remember after having to watch Finding Nemo.
Guy 1: "Do you know where I can find a clownfish?"

Guy 2: "Did you check P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney?"

Guy 1: "What the......is that place even real?"

Guy 2: "Didn't you watch Finding Nemo, of course it's real!"
by Chris's_Zen May 5, 2013
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When you avoid a troll's trollish act (or taking it deep) and countering it by successfully trolling him/her back. This action is hard to pull off.
Student: *sitting in classroom with a female teacher and other students*

*The female teacher starts reminiscing about her past*
Teacher: "Back in my day my friends used to call me shortstuff cuz I'm short."

Student's troll comment: "I wonder how long ago that was?"

*Whole classroom laughs*

Teacher's countertroll comment: "I don't know, why don't you ask your father?"

Classroom: You just got countertrolled!
by Chris's_Zen May 5, 2013
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One who obsessively texts and always love getting texted back.
"Christian is such a textaholic! He wouldn't put down his phone!"
by Chris's_Zen May 4, 2013
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A challenge where you and some friends pour salt to a body part (supposedly the back of your hand) and then adding ice to that area and seeing who can last the longest. Adding ice to the salt on a body part causes a frostbite experience and is really dangerous and stupid to do.
Dude, Brandon and I took the salt and ice challenge yesterday, and Brandon ended up burning himself but won it.
by Chris's_Zen May 5, 2013
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Don't mess or interfere with their current emotional atmosphere and feelings. Popularized by a famous song by Kendrick Lamar.
*girl 1 is partying and drinking a day before a college test*
Girl 2: "Hey, we should get some sleep before the test, I know this is a good moment and all..."
Girl 1: "Bitch, don't kill my vibe!"
by Chris's_Zen May 15, 2013
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Used to emphasize the exaggeration of a noun to a positive extent. Other variations include: "one heck of a", "heck of a", or "hell of a".
"That Lamborghini is one hell of car!"

"This is one heck of a job to clean up."

"You're one hell of a kid!"
by Chris's_Zen May 5, 2013
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