39 definitions by Chang Tan

A High School subject that doesn't have to be so damn necessarily hard to understand. If the book authors learned how to write in lamence terms for us non-scientists, maybe we should be able to cover the whole 30 chapter book in a hour. But noooo... those geeks really had to make it difficult. Actually, they add nothing but demonstrations and no official formulas, and they use big words to explain something as simple as a damn "mole" measurement. Therefore we have to take pen and paper and make our own damn formulas, no thanks to that $50.00 piece of crap.
I read chapter 1 to chapter 10, 75% of it consists of irrelevant situations of how to use what we are learning, in ways we never even thought it could be useless enough. 10% of it is actual examples where you must stare with a blank face and make up your own formulas, 15% is review work which you don't know how to do.
by Chang Tan February 14, 2004
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Age/Sex/Location, first question you will EVER see when you enter a chatroom. Used by everyone who needs some "cybering"
Pedophiles use a/s/l to lure children, offer them candy, rape, and then kill them.
by Chang Tan October 27, 2003
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A term used to describe when a "underground" genre of musical expression has been fully embraced by the public media through aggressive advertising (aka MTV). Following this phase, the style begins to rapidly plummet in popularity while the ravenous leeches and posers choose to find a new fad to gnaw upon.

During the "Golden Years" of a mainstream topic, the genre recieves praise in record numbers, often represented by record numbers of identity-free morons with nothing to make themselves "stand out". It gains brief immortality during this phase, with not enough love, and not enough hate to dislodge it.

Only when the "haters" prevail in larger numbers in proportion to fans will the death sentence of a genre be finalized.
Rap music still hasn't died because for a decade, it has worked secretly to poison the urban population with wife-beating lyrics and brain-damaging rhythmes, making a permanantly imprint on the inner-city folk.

Very devilish plan indeed...
by Chang Tan May 16, 2005
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Where the fatty arbuckles eat to get plumper from the ecoli infested beef.
I ate from fast food resturants, and I got diaherria for the whole winter-spring season.
by Chang Tan October 27, 2003
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To have your car's engine run with the exhaust manifold bare, rendering it obnoxiously loud, according to rice boy standards.

Your general stock cars are by itself equipped with these items, that guide, muffle, and clean exhaust gases, as well as reduce performance by increasing backpressure:

Exhaust Manifold - A sturdy structure that covers the exit paths after your exhaust gases has left when the exhaust valve opens. It purpose is to collect exhaust gases so it can be either pumped with air to burn undercombusted hydrocarbons (provides no power, but better smog tests) via air injection, or further send down the tailpipe, where further methods are undertaken to quiet and clean the expanding exhaust gases.

Tailpipe - Narrow metal tube, that not only directs the exhaust gases to the back of the car (or to the sides), but because of its small diameter, slows the flow of gases, quieting the motor significantly (an a explosion for example is basically a loud expansion of gases). Slant eyed rice enthusiasts would take the hint, and install gigantic fart cans to their tailpipes to turn their tranquil hum of their civics into a vomit-inducing whine. Like they even need it anyways.

Muffler - As it's name states, it further "muffles" the sound of the still rapidly traveling exhaust gases by forcing it through a series of small intricate pipes.

Catalytic Converters - Helps burn excess uncombusted hydrocarbons that have unfortunately had not be burned up after introducing air into the exhaust manifolds (temperature still hot enough to ignite raw fuel), via air injectors operated by a air pump. Also, it helps get rid of Oxides of Nitrogen (Unuseable, unlike Nitrous Oxide), and changes carbon monoxide into less lethal, carbon dioxide. Catalytic converters reduce performance and sound just as much as mufflers, though if overworked (if your car has rich-fuel problems), it would glow and strain, melting the honeycomb like structures inside, further clogging the path in which exhaust can escape.

A obstructed path for exhaust gases to escape is very bad for engine performance, if nearly completed plugged, exhaust gases have nowhere to go but back into the combustion chamber, causing the motor to run terribly, or stall.

The idea of running your car, preferably a hot rod open header, is to increase performance, lessen the strain on the engine, make it sound louder and more macho, as well as to impress your friends.

Unless your attending a open header contest with other like gearheads, removing any of the above components is ILLEGAL as stated by the DMV. But at least this definition gives you something about exhaust and performance.
"Bling a Ding Chong" thought that by sawing off his catalytic converter on his slick green rice rocket, he can beat Mary Anne on her pink 72 Chevelle. But instead, he serves jailtime with fellow burly prison rapist Tyrone Smith after flipping off a police officer.
by Chang Tan July 11, 2005
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I'm gonna rassle you sooo baad, you will be um... RASSLED! I rassled not men, but women, but its big Big BIG women! And I know wrestling is fake, which is why I rassle. You are soo gonna be rassled boy!
by Chang Tan January 4, 2004
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Asian guy who hates his own race, his family, his culture, and especially himself.

He yearns for surgical treatments to change his eyelid shape, and uses dyes to change his skin and hair coloration. Blue eyed pupils and natural blond hair are widely desired, but futile in effort (Dr Mengele experimented with changing pupil coloration by injecting ink with fatal results).

His greatest dream is complete genetic modifcation, cleansing himself of his hereditary curse so that he may produce more children embracing wonderous western customs.

Note that the banana (preferred over the less macho Twinkie), would never touch or own anything Asian. For it he had control of his well-earned money (his family would often shake every cent out of him before he can spend it), he would buy domestic products: American made Hummer H1, Ford/Dodge/Chevy trucks (preferably Cummins/Duramax Diesel engine), and order rectangular pizza over the phone, with the sauces and toppings arranged in a way that it resembles the American flag.
Chang Tan - Western enthusiast, and a figure of anti-Asian traditions.
by Chang Tan July 11, 2005
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