710 definitions by ChRiS

a word use to describe your peoples. ones that you can trust dearly. someone you consider family
my fam wuz mad deep up in the club the other day
by ChRiS November 7, 2003
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The original inspiration for the movie "Species." A cock-hungry blonde predator from outer space who doesn't speak the human language of English very well but is driven to go out with and fuck as many human males as possible.
I know you people have seen "Species", are you sure this wasn't a documentary about Paris Hilton’s personal life?????
by ChRiS January 2, 2005
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n. 1 a person who has not done motherfucking shit to be idolized and looked as a celebrity 2 pretentious cocksucker 3 No personality 4 Dull 5 Boring 6 Nose Surgery 7 Orange Tan 8 Fake blue contacts 9 A waste of make-up (about 3 fucking tons of it to make her look good) 9 Without make-up a shit-faced fucking ugly gremlin 10 A generic looking platinum blonde no class whore that acts no different than a redneck piece of shit slut in the trailer park that all the other redneck trailer trash people wish they looked like or had in their bedroom 11 The perfect example of taking the girl out of the trailer park but not taking the trailer park out of the girl.

you get the idea…fuck Paris Hilton
"Me, a slut? What ya'll talking bout? I ain't no Paris Hilton!"
by ChRiS August 31, 2004
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a person of high moral conviction who votes and thinks with his heart and conscience, and not with his wallet. A person of true valor and integrity, who refuses to allow corporate greed and corruption govern his actions.
by ChRiS December 27, 2003
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a pool of human remains in a soup like format, usually orange because of the broken down haemoglobin
man: Frank hasn't been seen for 18 months now, a bad smell was coming from next door so they went and had a look and all they found was bio-soup on the arm chair
by ChRiS February 27, 2005
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A disturbed Asian woman who is in a tub, sticks her ass in the air, and splunges anal fluids out of her ass and into her mouth. A sickening website www.tubgirl.com but lots of fun to send to people.
Pranker: Hey, go to www.tubgirl.com
Random person: mkay
Pranker: haha, PWN3D
by ChRiS April 5, 2005
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