53 definitions by Catty McGee

1. Historically, a Jew hired by European royalty and nobility to do their dirty work in exchange for social privileges. When the people would become discontent, the Court Jew would be blamed for the problems of the monarchy, and by extension, the Jewish people as a whole would be blamed and thrown to the wolves so that the royalty could live to oppress its subjects another day.

2. In modern terms, a Jew who similarly collaborates with the socioeconomic elite in hopes of gaining special privileges, who is ultimately used as a scapegoat whenever things start going wrong.
Ben Shapiro is a good Court Jew.
by Catty McGee October 24, 2018
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Esperanto speaker: My cat speaks Esperanto.
Friend: No he doesn't, that's impossible.
Cat: Miaŭ.
Esperanto speaker: See?
by Catty McGee March 10, 2017
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To do absolutely nothing of importance.
If Devin nunes again then he should honestly lose his chairmanship.
by Catty McGee February 4, 2018
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Short for "Gang of Psychopaths," the undemocratically elected, illegitimate ruling regime in the United States
You watching this GOP prove that everything they ever pretended to care about was a lie?
by Catty McGee March 21, 2018
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Ruined beyond all possible repair.
Sorry, your motherboard is trumped.

The world is officially trumped.
by Catty McGee September 4, 2017
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The kind of Republican who doesn't actively support ethnic cleansing* but is merely indifferent to it and will gladly go along with it if it furthers their careers. Named after Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump.

* Note: this does not apply to Palestinians, in whose case they are still in favor of ethnic cleansing.
Republicans have taken to calling Nikki Haley a "Javanka Republican."
by Catty McGee January 7, 2018
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A third-generation trust fund kid.
What the fuck would you know about the world, Trump Jr.? Even your father never had to live in it.
by Catty McGee November 13, 2019
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