10 definitions by Canada Street's in the bldg.

Mildly talented, extremely over-rated entertainer. Was a racist pig as a youth, has since offered a half-hearted "well, boys will be boys" type of apology. Utilizes Black music to tell tales of raping his mother and killing his wife. Feminem achieved his popularity in large part due to his skin color; if you tell an average white feminem fan that feminem is not The Best Ever, the fan will react as if you insulted every member of his family.
I hope Feminem means it when he says "Curtain Call", i.e. retirement. His "music" has gotten progressively suckier.
by Canada Street's in the bldg. January 7, 2006
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A self-righteous asshole who spewed childish bubble gum music and foul blasphemy that his drug-addled fans thought was groovy. Also, Mr. Peace, Love and Understanding left his wife and child for Yoko Ono whom Beatles devotees blame for the fact that the band had run its course.

If you listen to Lennon's ditty "Imagine", you'll find that by the time he's done imagining, he has imagined that nothing exists other than himself. That's the John Lennon philosophy in a nutshell. Of course I am sorry he was murdered, but his failure to rise on the third day was a fitting end.
John Lennon proclaimed himself and his band as "bigger than Jesus", and also predicted that "Christianity will end". Christianity is still here, Lennon is dead as a doornail.
by Canada Street's in the bldg. November 26, 2006
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A college near where I live, so I know the facts: it used to be women only, now is co-ed but most males there are sodomites.

Rich kids who got good grades in high school, pseudo-intellectuals who maintain an air of superiority when around the "townies", while most likely knowing that they are in fact inferior to those who were not raised in a closet.

The vassar children embraced Reggae music in the late nineties, but abandoned their faddish interest in it very quickly, perhaps when it dawned upon them that Rastafari culture rightfully scorns homosexual practices, anti-Christian sentiment, paganism, etc.

Vassar is a pocket of benighted individuls shipped in from Connecticut and other bastions of rich white stupidity, now dwelling in a land known as Upstate New York, of which they know nothing of. Mostly congregate around Collegeview and Raymond Avenues, displacing the working-class Black, Latino, and white community who used to frequent the area (ironically the population that the vassar children say they want to "help").

Today this district is besmirched by a gay bar bearing a sign that says "entrance in rear".
Yo, what's up tonite at billiards?

I don't even go to that part of town no more; the vassar children have taken over!
by Canada Street's in the bldg. December 12, 2006
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hey, Jim, pass me them potatas....Ma, could you ask Jim for the potatas. Ma? MA! yeah, that's right, the potatas.
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1) CIA-spearheaded social experiment in the 1960's, involving roping in masses of youth, using rock music, and getting them zombied-out on drugs. The government did that because the youth had been getting too socially-conscious. The event took place in Bethel, NY, near the town of Woodstock.

2) Town in upstate NY where old hippies wander about, and yuppies go to buy tie-dyed shirts to show that they're hip.
We had a wonderful time in Woodstock, there was so much peace and love in that t-shirt shop.
by Canada Street's in the bldg. December 9, 2006
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A white-owned piece of shit trying to masquerade as a channel geared toward African-American audiences. Few African-Americans have anything nice to say about it, as they recognize it to be a mere minstrel show portraying nothing but stupid-ass white stereotypes of Black culture. As numerous whites, on this board and elsewhere have said, "Blacks would be upset if we had a channel!!!" Well, you have all the other channels, plus BET which is also a white channel.
Hey, they're showing 'MALCOLM X' on BET tonite, instead of 'The Viacom shake that booty hour.' It must be February.
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A sickness in which an adult is sexually attracted to children. Some of these people clamor for "rights" and even offer the twisted idea that we are denying children their rights by classifying pedophilia as what it is.

Pedo: "we are not child molesters! some of us have respectable jobs and make a lot of money! even if we did abuse children, who are you to deny their right to be abused?!"

Human: "Canada Street said somethin' about pedophilia....he said when he has kids, he might just put you to sleep like the rabid dog you are."
by Canada Street's in the bldg. December 12, 2006
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