70 definitions by Cameron

The game that is finally coming out as of november 2004. it is going to be teh r0xors.
by Cameron October 26, 2004
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Awesome ska band. I mean, they're so good to hear it.
"Look at me, I'm an awesome ska band. CATCH22"
by Cameron November 11, 2004
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In BF2, a Plane Whore is someone who sits in a plane all day and blows everyone up. They usually leave the round with about 500 points and 100 kills. No one really likes them, but they exist regardless of personal opinion.
He's a fucking plane whore! VOTE TO KICK!
by Cameron February 26, 2006
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When you walk in to a room and can't remember why you went into that room.
Going into the pantry to get a loaf of bread, I phipped, and just stood there unable to recall why I was staring into the pantry.
by Cameron March 12, 2004
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A term created by no-life gimps who can't fight anyone in real life so they have to diss gamers on the internet
Wow I'm cool because I can diss someone on the net! Oops time for my pills!
by Cameron July 30, 2003
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