116 definitions by C

Hilary duff

A false misconception of what talent is. Shallow, lame, and selfish.

Completely blonde, bottled that is. Multi-millionaire for no reason. Mom and daughter trouble makers. Stage people.

HOAX. No singing talent, or knowledge. No live performances. Ever. Moves like she has a wedgie, and has ants in her bra.

Fans=boys who want to fantasize, but can't access porn. Fans=girls who think everyones jealous, because of their awful beauty. Look up narcissism, Paris Hilton, and Britney Spears.
Reality TV star fame. Teeny Boppers. Sick men/boys. Fools.
by C February 4, 2004
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An idiot, one whom is worthy of something insulting and also specially bad for their stupid action.
Man 1: I shot a dog with a pellent gun, ate it, and got rabies.

Man 2: Your such a dib
by C December 5, 2003
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fancy wank

fancy wank (v). To use an ugly bird's
fanny to save wear and tear on
your hand.
Last night he went out the club and had himself a fancy wank.
by C February 24, 2004
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You vadered that pic!
by C January 13, 2004
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A secretary that you would love to bend over the desk and fuck!
Me and all my pals at a very well known law firm are sexytaries!
by C August 5, 2003
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Yo where is that dude from? Think he's a cube from lil havana.
by C January 6, 2004
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shaking like a flatpack wardrobe
(sim). descriptive of the female
equivalent of vinegar strokes.
I knew I had hit the right spot when she was shaking like a flatpack wardrobe
by C February 24, 2004
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