116 definitions by C

The best women's liberal arts college in the country, and 4th best liberal arts college in the country (US News 2005).

Alums include: Madeleine Albright, Nora Ephron, Jean Kilbourne, Hillary Rodham, Molly Campbell, Diana Chapman Walsh, Diane Sawyer.
My boss is a Wellesley College alumna.
by C March 16, 2005
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A secretary that you would love to bend over the desk and fuck!
Me and all my pals at a very well known law firm are sexytaries!
by C August 5, 2003
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Hot Mike-The act of crossing you legs indian style and being able to do a handstand at the same time while taking a shit and letting it roll down your back and balance the shit on ur neck
Instead of using the bathroom mike gave him self a hot mike to use his shit as entertainment
by C March 15, 2005
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Lund Before Wicket. Another name for Sena lund.
Sena lund getting out while playing cricket, when the ball hits him anywhere.
by C November 19, 2003
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Small manufacturer of Korean cars that was at one point owned by Daewoo but is currently independent. Ssangyong, meaning "Twin Dragons" produces the ultra-luxurious Chairman Sedan, based on the Mercedes E Class, the uniquely styled Rexton SUV, the ubiquitious Musso, and the jeep like Korando. The company does not market in the US but has sales in Europe and Asia.
Ssangyong asserted it's independence from Daewoo following the troubled Korean automakers bankruptcy.
by C February 6, 2004
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You vadered that pic!
by C January 13, 2004
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