124 definitions by Brett

Nipples that are the size of dinner plates or bigger
God Damn, did you see Jennies nipples? Shes got some dish tits.
by Brett October 24, 2004
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Someone who doesn't have a father/born out of wedlock and Is being an inconsidarite ass hole.
by Brett August 24, 2004
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The ghetto black girl way to refer to the famous playwright.
"Girl, we funna be watchin' ShakeESpear In Love tomorro night at the hizzy shizzy yo, Bitch"
by Brett October 26, 2003
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When you stick a strapon dildo on your head and proceed in a thrusting motion to stick it in a orifice.
Brett loves to unicorn his gf vicky in the asshole
by Brett September 21, 2004
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The act of rubbing a finger that has recently been in an unsavoury place(such as a sweaty bum crack/between your toes/in your belly button)accross the filtrum(under the nose)of someone, leaving them with a pooey whiff every time they breath in.
On waking John took a sniff at the world around him then realized to his horror he had been skifted whilst dozing.

Dave nearly pissed his pants with laughter as he ran his pooey digit under the nose of a friend.
by Brett July 7, 2005
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(1)That one chick in my history class... what a Dru C.
(2)Dru C is taking over...
by Brett September 28, 2004
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