39 definitions by Bone

a condom, yea... a condom, could also mean a compact disc,...but i'll say its a condom
i was so drunk i forgot to use a cd
by Bone July 21, 2004
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One of the coolest TV shows of its time.
I want them to bring back Monster Rancher and show all three seasons uncut!
by Bone February 15, 2004
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Someone who parties like an animal; also refers to clubbers.
"There were over 50,000 punters at this rave I went to last weekend."
by Bone May 4, 2003
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A form of the most horny dancing imaginable. Guys looking for ass will grind profusely with random girls in order to pursuade them to come home and get some bun action. Involves pushing the male genitalia up the ass of the female.
At the club last nite, I got hammered and was grinding with every girl in there...so much, that my package was sore the next day
by Bone May 3, 2003
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Dude:Hey guess what?
Dude:I C U!!!
Guy:I'm going to have to kill you now.
by Bone October 16, 2003
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1) Somethin awesome or "tight"
2) Annoying fucken females runnin there mouths.
1) Damn that car is bitchin.
2) Damn slut quit your bitchin.
by Bone August 14, 2003
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