50 definitions by Big steve

1. A word used to replace any other word in a sentence.

2. A unique sound emitted from the mouth, caused from letting gas out of the stomach. (Also referred to as belching.)
Original Sentence:
Susie pwned the English test.

New Possible Sentences:
Susie knopped the English test.
Susie pwned the English knop.
Susie pwned the knop test.
by Big steve December 4, 2004
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A person who knows how to kick hiatus. A Blue Foo is also someone who has fantasies over older women...much older women. Blue Foos pwn.
Hey dude you are awesome....you are a true Blue Foo.
by Big steve December 4, 2004
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a worker on railway transport when finishing work the day before he/she goes on holiday for a few days.
That,s it i,m done Fuck The Railway
by Big steve March 14, 2005
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a phrase used by closet bigots to make reference to blacks, hispanics, or any other racial group the bigot dislikes; the phrase allows the bigot to get the message accross while maintaining a false facade of propriety
Our local schools were better twenty years ago -- since then, a certain element has moved in.
by Big steve September 7, 2004
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