11 definitions by Big Simes

A male with an uncanny knack for attracting attractive, desirable women.
opp: vermin magnet
With his fan club of catwalk models, Peter is a real fanny magnet.

by Big Simes January 22, 2003
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An activity engaged in by older students during fresher week, where they prey on freshers seeking sexual satisfaction.
Come on Pete, there's plenty of new meat, let's go fresher fishing.
by Big Simes January 22, 2003
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1) noun: Used extensively on the LIFFE floor to describe the junior employees who did the menial jobs. Often derogatory. Qualifications for female runners were few, and centred around expected giving out of sexual favours.
by Big Simes January 22, 2003
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I'm seeing her at 5 o'clock if I have the bandwidth
by Big Simes January 22, 2003
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A peculiarly english phrase. Taking a ferry accross the English Channel to France to buy copious amounts of booze, mostly because there is less tax on continental europe.
Me and the fellas are taking a van over on a booze cruise, fancy some?
by Big Simes January 22, 2003
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