10 definitions by Bad Grammar Must Die

n. The address to a particular stored set of HTML that contains a variety of interesting, humourous, and offensive material.
Hey, dude, go to urban-dictionary.com and look up your name! Hee hee, I played the coolest trick ever! I defined it as "the dumest guy ever!" Ha ha!
by Bad Grammar Must Die April 2, 2003
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n. Short for "Submissive." The submissive person in a BDSM relationship or encounter.
I'm really more of a sub, myself, but I could learn some dom skills.
by Bad Grammar Must Die April 17, 2003
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n. Short for fundamentalist. A person who generally holds to extremely Protestant-Christian, social/moral right-wing ideas. Often associated with the more evangelical denominations of Christianity.
They're all such fundies, it's hard to have an objective, open-minded discussion about any religious issue.
by Bad Grammar Must Die April 2, 2003
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n. Someone who displays an unusual or embarrasing amount of enthusiasm for Jesus.

This term was first used in the 1960's in reference to the growing movement of radical, unconventional Christians who often displayed hippie leanings.
Hey, David, if you dance around like that, people are going to start thinking you're some kind of Jesus freak.
by Bad Grammar Must Die April 2, 2003
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The past verb or past participle of:

deprecate. n. To express earnest disapproval of; to belittle.
by Bad Grammar Must Die April 2, 2003
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n. The opposite of kinky. Not in any way involved with BDSM.
He was a little more vanilla than I was used to, but we got along fine anyway.
by Bad Grammar Must Die April 17, 2003
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v. (past) to have spelt a word incorrectly.

part. (past) having been spelt incorrectly.

This is a rarely used but often preferred (among the pretentious, eclectic, geeky, artsy, or British) spelling of "misspelled."
I hate it when I read advertisements with misspelt words.
by Bad Grammar Must Die April 2, 2003
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