24 definitions by Anhilliator1

A chicken-like creature that appears all throughout the Legend of Zelda series. They typically wander around and ignore the player. If hit, however, a large swarm will appear and start chasing Link, the main character of LoZ, around, and kill him if he does not hide.
Guy 1: Huh, is that a chicken?
Guy 2: No, that's a cucco. Don't attack it.
Guy 1: Come on, what's the worst that could happen? (Gets mauled by the Cucco revenge squad) WHAT? THAT FAST? WHAT?
Guy 2: Told you.
by Anhilliator1 February 4, 2017
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1. An expression commonly used in conjunction with a hard slap to someone who did something exceedingly stupid.

2. Something that most people have absolutely ZERO patience in dealing with. Like me.

3. Something that, unfortunately, comprises most of planet Earth's population.

The below GIF shows the proper reaction to an idiot.
Tim: *Tries launching a bowling ball to the moon, only for said bowling ball to land on his foot.* OUCH!
Jack: *Smacks Tim* Idiot.


I am sorry to say, sir, that you are like most of the world. You, sir, are an IDIOT.
by Anhilliator1 May 28, 2017
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A small to medium sized object that should be capable of holding at least one person. Also may be known as a Sofa or a chair.
Hey, you got anywhere to sit?
Yeah, the people shelf's right over there.
by Anhilliator1 October 15, 2016
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Short for "Electronic Arts." A corporation whose sole purpose is to make as much money as possible. Also maker of Origin, a stupid game client. Releases their bullshit games unfinished, and then forces gamers to pay for DLC and updates that do jack shit to fix the game. If you try and complain, you are banned. The help support is worse than Comcast's. Has killed many good game developers.
EA has won the award for Worst Company in America TWICE in a row. Meaning TWO golden turds. And yet they STILL don't get it. Wow.

by Anhilliator1 April 25, 2017
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...No. Just no. I was going to write a definition about this, but then I decided not to.
You still here about no twilight definition? You wanna kill me? Fuck you, you twitard.
by Anhilliator1 December 21, 2016
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Where any and all villains go to learn how to shoot. If they attended here, their shooting will inevitably be terrible, e.g., they will hit everything but their target.
Your shooting is terrible!

Hey, I went to the Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy!
by Anhilliator1 November 9, 2016
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Any sort of supposedly powerful attack that ends up having zero effect. Examples include a BFG doing nothing. That's right, NO DAMAGE. Named after Worf from star trek.
Dude! I just fired this super-powerful cannon on this boss and it did nothing!

Man, I'm sorry, but that thing's basically a Worf Barrage gun. IT IS FUCKING USELESS!
by Anhilliator1 December 13, 2016
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