13 definitions by AAAardvark

A regrettable experience, often late at night and/or the next morning, and possibly connected with indulging in a few liquid refreshments.
Sorry about the carpet, I just had an out of stomach experience. Guess it was something I ate.
by AAAardvark November 26, 2006
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A quaint euphemism for heterosexual sexual intercourse.
Police officer: What are you doing in the back of that car sonny?
You: Parking the pigskin bus in tuna town, sir.
by AAAardvark November 27, 2006
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To commandeer or seize control of a word; to assign a new meaning to an existing word.
Guy: Wait, what? Your name is Isis? Are you a terrorist?
Girl: Fuck you. Those arseholes wordjacked my name.
by AAAardvark October 15, 2014
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Steroid abuser. Muscle-bound freak. Roid junkie.
Look at that ugly meat head, must be a roider!
Oh, that's Arnie Szhwarzenegger.
by AAAardvark November 27, 2006
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A literal or figurative visual representation of the shape of the Australian landmass with or without non-contiguous states or territories.
Kath: Soiriously, Kel. Why do most so many Austrolygons leave Tasmania out?

Kel: What's a Tasmania?
by AAAardvark March 12, 2021
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To have an out of stomach experience, i.e. to vomit.
You don't look too well mate, hope you're not going to throw your voice.
by AAAardvark November 26, 2006
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A hashtag used on Instagram for images of Australia or by Australians.
Sharon: Oh moi gawd, did you see wot's trending on Instagram, Kath?

Kath: Shaz, I only follow #australigram on Instagram, so if it's not hashed as #australigram on Instagram, I don't give a damn about your gram.
by AAAardvark March 12, 2021
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