22 definitions by A friend

1. exclamation, used specifically when confounded by a
mixed sense of excitement and befuddlement, sometimes
with an added fear of the unknown.

2. onomatopoeia, the sound made when an exceedingly small
mammal breaks wind.
1. dave: hey buddy, come get in the automobile. me and the
guys have a super special suprise waiting for you
involving a llama, some tinsel, and a small
amount of silly putty. not gonna tell you where

chaz: gazoip!!

2. bob: did i just hear a gazoip?

phill: thats just my pet shrew farting.
by A friend June 17, 2006
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(1) Super hot, cool, and utterly amazing
(2) Special, in a strange voice
(1)/(2) Of course you're spekle!
by A friend July 22, 2004
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Slang word for a person with a small cock that is wider than it is long and is also has a totally arrogant eir and general attitude and can't play the Bass.
NO Choades
Dont be like Choades
"Calling" Choades
by A friend August 7, 2003
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Casey Holds Unlimited Booze. Casey being any girl who can party as well as the wildest guy you know but looks amazingly beautiful and graceful while doing it.
I'm going to try to sex up that C.H.U.B. girl by the end of the night.
by A friend January 20, 2005
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"real cool kid"
it can be used when someone does something incredibly "cool" or is just someone all together "cool" if you do not understand what we mean by when we say "cool" then you are indeed... an RCK
Jess is one RCK, she tripped while walking out of church.
by A friend August 16, 2004
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scared, a loner, wanting something, but pushing it away when you get it
The man was getting older...and he was alone...and he didn't want to be anymore. So, he finally did something about it. And when he got it...he thomased.
by A friend May 26, 2003
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