385 definitions by JAy

A saying,said in response to something. Instead of saying yes, you would say "mlbauh!" Popularized by Mr. David Rader
"Will this be on the homework: NO"
"Will this be on the test?"
by JAy March 11, 2004
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short for tittypops ,
check out those pops
by JAy June 25, 2004
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rebornation - to start over and fix yourself. It's just like saying, your going to change for someone. -- rebordanate, rebornation, reBORN, CHANGE.
Drastic measures cause for drastic changes - stage 1 of rebornation
by JAy July 28, 2004
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It's a funny way for saying "Mother fucker". Also a way to say mother fucker when it's not appropriate to say it.
"Those futher mucks robbed me!"
by JAy June 2, 2004
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Usually freshman or softmores in high school who let little buds of hair grown between their nose and theire top lip. They seem to not care it's there.
Man, that freshman has such a dirt lip.
by JAy October 3, 2003
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Originated about ma school.Used when a person uses superior verbal wit to stop someone 'dissin' them. Used afterwards by a third party
Oh my god, u got kaned!!! Go 'ome!!!
by JAy January 11, 2005
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