to be rather depressed about a certain issue or problem
kevin was rather bummed about how his relationship finished with jenny.
by BennyBoy89 December 22, 2007
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i was pretty bummed when she dumped me
by fit_gash June 16, 2008
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To be anally invaded without consent.
When I was in the all male prison, no-one would pick up the dropped soap for fear of being bummed by Mr Big.
by auslander January 26, 2004
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I'm all bummed about our team's lame performance yesterday
by Anonymous March 2, 2002
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When a penis enters an unwilling sphincter.
Johnny: Bro, did you hear? Ash got bummed in the shower room yesterday and he didn't consent to it at all.

Ed: Bruv, that sucks I hope he's alright.
by DatGuyWhoDrinksMilk December 3, 2016
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hanging around doing nothing
procrastinating, or acting lazy and not doing anything
Boy: what did u do on the weekend?
Girl: Just bummed, drank alot....
by tobiaswunner March 14, 2011
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Someone (or something) that has been "got at" by a bummer. Past tense of bumming.
Clarence was bummed repeatedly by the bigger boys when he failed to give them his lunch money, or when they felt like bumming him for laughts.
by Michael April 15, 2004
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