34 definitions by @mrkulci

French women don't get fat is a false claim. Many people assume this to be true do different reasons even though French females have the same amount of obesity as the EU average.
The german girl said french women don't get fat, the german girl was wrong.
by @mrkulci April 2, 2021
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The amount of time that it takes between Alex Jones having a conspiracy theory and it turning out to be right is known as Jones lag.
Alex told everyone about Epstein's pedo island, but the Jones lag took a few years.
by @mrkulci September 10, 2020
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Erdogan is a Turkish politician who has been prime minister and is now president. Contrary to popular beliefe Erdogan is not the sole ruler in Turkey nor does he have absolute authority. Erdogan is a social conservative put is fiscally centrist, being for a free market and low taxes but also wanting to provide social services for the common folk. Erdogan is somewhat authoritarian, this is true, though in his defense his country has always been that way, the difference being that NGO's ruled the nation before hand.
Erdogan has been critized recent years due to economic decrease, those critical people are often young and miss the fact that Erdogan increased the country's purchasing power by 350 percent in the last 20 years.
by @mrkulci October 16, 2020
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An online movement of butt hurt people who think womens should be able to be topless everywhere online and offline to fight off "sexism". Supported by loen stars, prostitutes and strippers alike. I wonder why
Freethenipple is very much a dumb movement
by @mrkulci February 7, 2019
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A humpgasm is a type of male masturbation where a man cums by rubbing his penis on a couch or bed.
by @mrkulci April 2, 2021
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The japanese alcoholic difference ''strong zero'' is known as the Gaijin Killer. due to being 8/9%, 350-500ml and very sweet people drink it at insane speeds despite it being 3 to 4 beers worth of alcohol. Coupled with high carbonation many westerners will try to drink 3 to 5 at a sitting and will black out that night.
It's colloquially known as the Gaijin Killer- Joey Bizinger(the Anime man)
by @mrkulci October 16, 2020
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A femboy is a young male who dresses and looks feminine. They usually crossdress and are mostly gay.
Yes it's still gay to fuck a femboy. Though being attracted to them is fine, due to them looking like a women.
by @mrkulci September 7, 2020
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