a clean looking clear coat on a paint job, making the car appear wet.
Paul Wall- Wood grain all in my range, drippin stains when i switch lanes
by russell lewis September 1, 2005
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Although not promoted by public schools, it is the most popular study technique of high school students, typically used minutes before a test.
Please, please let me pass this test...
by Channing January 3, 2005
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When one pretends to sleep for any reason, possibly so they don't have to do something, to get attention, or to find out gossip and secrets. Very useful for finding out information you might not be supposed to know.
Penny: No no, it's ok, Andrew's sleeping.
Jenny: Ok.. Well, I really like Andrew's dad, he's really sexy.
Penny: Cool. I think I might have a thing for my Uncle... Probably just a phase!
Jenny: God Penny! Andrew's not really sleeping!
by Hayley Hogsworth July 30, 2005
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n: a person who is an easy laugh. A laugh whore will typically laugh at all of your jokes just to gain acceptance from you. You don't mind it because it makes you feel better about yourself. Usually has a mildly obnoxious laugh to go along with his/her hair trigger laugh reflex.
Friend 1: Oh man, we had so much fun! It was just awesome!!
Friend 2: Nah man don't fall for it...she's a total laugh whore.

Friend 1: Yeah so then I said, 'because the frog was stapled to the chicken!'
Friend 2: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!
Friend 1: Yeah I made that one up myself!!
by MarcosR August 25, 2005
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The term used when you call someone and they hit the ignore button on their cell phone, to avoid speaking with you.

The term originates with Nextels because they have a side button to do that.

You know you've been side buttoned if it rings for a shorter time than usual before going to voicemail.
Mark: Oh no! Greg is calling
Jessica: Don't answer it!
Mark: Good idea, I'll side button him.

Greg: What the fuck, TWO rings? Fuck Mark for side buttoning me.
by Li Hibbs August 22, 2005
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