16 definitions by Yoova

A blog characterized by excessive commenting on irrelevant facts. We say that the blogger suffers from uncontrollable verbal discharge or blogorrhea.
This guy's blog is full of useless crap. It is like his brain just burst with projectile blogorrhea.
by Yoova September 15, 2006
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In politics, a necessary myth is what the powerful elite creates to fill an ideological or spirtual vacuum in society, with the purpose of giving the populace something to believe in. The myth can be a certain religious idea, the promise of a better future for all, or if everything else fails, the promise of protecting us from the nightmare of terror and nuclear holocaust.
Alqaeda as an extraodinary well organized and powerful network with tentacular reach was a myth created by the Neo-Conservatives. It was a necessary myth cogitated out of whole cloth by these to get a firmer grip on power and farther their misguided agenda.
by Yoova October 4, 2006
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Man whose sexual organ mesures one meter (metro is latin for meter which equals about 12 inches).
He is hung like a metrosexual.
by Yoova August 24, 2006
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Extremely sharp, saw-toothed shaped dart, made of cartillage and grows on the back tail of sting rays. It is used by the animal for defense. In addition to being razon sharp, the barb is also poisonous.
Steve Irwin, also known as Crocodile Hunter, was Killed by a sting ray's barb that penetrated his chest and heart.
by Yoova September 12, 2006
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falling asleep on a bus or other public transportation when coming back from a long day of work or a party.
It is common place for bus and train drivers in England to wakeup passengers who nod off after a long day's work. fly kipping has become a rising trend.
by Yoova November 11, 2006
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It is when a country attacks another country (or entity) that it fears may plan to attack it later. In other words, it takes action not because of factual threat but of mere potential risk. The precautionary principle is also applied when someone is detained or jailed not because of what he has actually done but because of what the government or police think he may potentially do.
The United States attacked and occupied Iraq using the Precautionary Principle. Nothing would prevent it to use the same principle to attack Iran.
by Yoova October 4, 2006
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Verb. to pluto someone or something is to downgrade, demote or remove altogether from a prestigious group or list, Like what was done to the planet of the same name.
by Yoova August 24, 2006
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