When a person or group of people line the bed of a pickup truck with a tarp, fill it with water, and relax in it.
It's so hot today, I might have to grab a tarp and turn my Chevy into an Alabama Hot Tub.
by cr00d_d00d April 19, 2010
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Having sex with a person from Texas. This word is particularly used for an attractive female considering there are a lot of them in Texas.
Guy 1: Dude I'm going to Texas

Guy 2: Make sure to have lots of Tex-Sex!!
by trotrot0394854 July 8, 2009
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Is a term used to describe a teen that didn't just hit puberty, he beat the shit out of it. When a person is called man beast, it is usually because he hit puberty before a lot of other teens.
Person : "Dang dude. You used to be all fat, but now your freakin ripped. Your going man beast! "
by Lalalalala69 February 20, 2014
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to video chat someone and not say a word. you mostly just stare at the screen and type things to the other person who is engaged in a video chat with you.
I had a silent video chat with kellienot fun at all man
by richardbanger April 8, 2009
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An ass so juicy you just can help but sink your teeth into it.
Man, that girl so fine, she got a vampire ass!
by shennica February 22, 2014
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Keep it on the down low. Keep it secret.

Geeks only!

HTTP is plain-text browser/server communication. The S adds a security layer, making it very hard to intercept communications (i.e., keeping it secret).
"This global domination plan isn't official information yet, so keep it HTTPS, folks."
by 7an March 1, 2010
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To pull a lie off so great that it's worthy of a nomination.
Rashad pulled a Oscar last night, he broke down to tears and everything.
by 32sixCubed February 3, 2009
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