by clarkekentyboy May 9, 2009
by Mark Kedgley July 26, 2004
A coupon is someone that tries to get an advantage in their favour or is unfair in how they act.
Uses: to coup someone, to use coupon methods, to be a coupon
Uses: to coup someone, to use coupon methods, to be a coupon
Why you coupin'?
by Devon June 10, 2004
an extremely ugly and usually overweight female. A coupon is meant to lessen the cost for the user (ex. splitting a cab). Not unlike their namesake, a coupon embarrasses the user and is a pain in the ass to carry around. Once the user arrives at the destination (usually the bar), the coupon has been expired and hopefully retreats into the dark night.
by Buzzz Killington April 7, 2008
by Anonymous October 22, 2003
by claudel September 23, 2009
The word coupon originated from the actions of a one person; Sean Daschko. So intense were the actions of Mr. Daschko's 'Coupon' methods that a definition was created to fit this unusual behavior. To be a 'Coupon', or to use 'Coupon Methods' is to effectively take advantage of your surroundings in order to enhance ones own private needs.
Sean Dashcko went to Subway and used Coupon Methods in order to obtain an irregular amount of Subway Stamps to recieve a free foot-long Subway sandwich.
Billy then replied, "Sean, stop being such a Coupon."
"Yeah man, whats with your Coupon Methods these days?" Brian asked.
Billy then replied, "Sean, stop being such a Coupon."
"Yeah man, whats with your Coupon Methods these days?" Brian asked.
by Matthew McLeod July 15, 2004