faux fur...immitation animal fur clothing
faux-pas....a comment made in conversation that reveals to others that you are either stupid or have no idea what your talking about on a particular subject
faux-pas....a comment made in conversation that reveals to others that you are either stupid or have no idea what your talking about on a particular subject
by matty June 25, 2005
"look at that faux bitch over there thinking shes so fetch."
"ya i know right?, straight imitation."
"ya i know right?, straight imitation."
by nobasicbitcheshere January 26, 2015
1. I was just watching faux news and i learned that iraq had WMD's which why america had to attack or else risk another 9/11.
2. I was just watching Faux News and i learned that iraq had WMD's which why america had to attack or else risk another 9/11. Damn liberal media.
2. I was just watching Faux News and i learned that iraq had WMD's which why america had to attack or else risk another 9/11. Damn liberal media.
by Ricemonkey November 11, 2007
1. Mostly referenced to a white teenager who, in high school, tried a bit too hard to please the in crowd. And probably pissed off a lot of black people by stealing the style their culture has had for many generations. For example: Ebonics, sagging of clothes with untied sneakers, really tiny skirts with corn rows, little whitey listening to rap... That kind of thing. In other words, the white kids in Detroit.
2. A liar, deceiver, imitator (see mime), and generally a football player or cheerleader.
2. A liar, deceiver, imitator (see mime), and generally a football player or cheerleader.
Boy: Remember that girl in high school who thought she was faux?
Boy2: Yeah?
Boy: Well, now she's fat, pregnant, and divorced and she's only 19... A lot of good her popularity did her, eh?
Boy2: Yeah?
Boy: Well, now she's fat, pregnant, and divorced and she's only 19... A lot of good her popularity did her, eh?
by ExanimusViscus August 1, 2008
by Mace Bigelow July 16, 2019
Fauxing is a sexual act when a man wears a strapon harness to penetrate a woman sexually. His penis is not used for this act and may be confined in a cock cage or may simply not be used. Pronounced fox-ing
by Evolving Your Man May 5, 2021
An adjective intentionally made into a past-tense verb so as to illicitly garner at least 18 points on a Scrabble board.
by GrammarPatrol July 20, 2010