When you spend a lot of time browsing the app Zillow for houses and apartments you can’t afford
by hattiehateshats June 21, 2019
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To search for your dream home even if you have no idea how you'll pay for it.
Zillowed some prime Beverly Hills properties. Now if I could just get Bradley Cooper to propose I'd be all set!
by PriusPrimo April 23, 2015
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We can settle this bet right now. Just pull up the house on Zillow.
by RunnerGirl206 April 10, 2015
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A website where you can buy or rent homes.
I just bought a nice $600,000 house from Zillow
by BaltimoreIsTheNewDetroit April 26, 2015
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The site with every house imaginable.
Some of the houses on Zillow are ridiculous! Some dude in The Hamptons wants $1 million for a double-wide trailer.
by NeighborhoodPeacock May 13, 2015
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To browse Zillow.com despite a lack of any serious likelihood of a home purchase.

To daydream about alternative lifestyles.
I was bored last night. So I was zillowing for several hours.
by November 19, 2020
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to partake in activities that result in an immediate high or altered states of consciousness
dude, we were so zillowed last night we ate everything in the entire pantry
by K4Cruzers February 11, 2010
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