by COURTNEYMARET January 15, 2009
A very badass boss you can optionally face in the indie sandbox video game, Minecraft. You place 4 blocks in a t-shape. Two stacked on top of eachother, and two on both sides. Then throw three wither heads on top of all that shit, and then boom! You have a kick-ass beast that will rip the shit out of you, unless you're properly prepared.
htrjndgjdfgntjwenfvnrejmthe wither
by SwagCertified™ October 7, 2014
by WhoGivesADimeAboutUsernames October 23, 2020
by Steveboi November 3, 2014
Messed up, hauled, generally in a mental or physical state of being outside of what would be considered healthy, sober, or sane.
by Stiffyyy April 8, 2008
When a women who was previously attractive has become significantly less attractive (opposite of a sprout)
"Holy shit man I haven't seen *name* in so long, I can't believe how much she withered"
by FIGJAM COSTI December 23, 2012
An over enthusiastic form of the infamous fanny wet. It is contagious and should be shouted at pinnacles.
to be used as a verb
to be used as a verb
by bettybooped March 25, 2007